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We help athletes shift the way they view their public communications and understand how to present their best selves.

Varsity Connects | Image by Austin Distel


Media training for student athletes is about much more than teaching them what to say to please the media and gain more coverage. Student Athletes are under intense scrutiny any time they’re in public. They need to be prepared to handle this adeptly and strategically, just as they are prepared to excel in their sport.  Our training program is geared toward helping young impressionable athletes understand the value in protecting their brand.


Our media training for athletes goes far beyond tips, do’s and don’ts, and practice interviews. We work with athletes to help them understand the strategy behind shaping their public image and working with the media.


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Confidence Building

  • Use a very quick mindset shift technique to switch from Gameday energy  mode to calm cool and collected media interview mode


  • Identify and define the brand image and what the client would like their public image to be

  • How to set parameters for interviews and to establish their ability to be vulnerable and establish how much they wish to share

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Preparing for The Next Level

  • Strategies to shift the conversation to topics on what's important to them 


  • Teach them how to make decisions about what to share when, based on their goals and potential consequences​

  • We stress the value of how words matter and how to make sure their words are never taken out of context

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The Importance of Media Training

  • We focus on teaching how to make more thoughtful choices in their comments and how to “think first then speak”


  • Avoid falling into common media interview traps, such as the inadvertent oversharing that can occur when athletes get to know media interviewers


  • How to use the media as an opportunity to share positive, inspiring messages


  • Creating content to help attract sponsorships, NIL Deals and to create brand loyalty

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